Information and ICT

Services at the Centre

E-Society offers the following services

  1. We offer ICT Technical support to the District headquarters offices, Lower Local Governments, Primary schools and the community around Kasese especially the youth.
  2. We offer internet services to Kasese District workers and the community around Kasese
  3. We offer computer skills training to District workers and the community around Kasese town
  4. We manage Kasese District website and other district e-Platforms like; Kasese Online news, Kasese online discussion group, Kasese Electronic Library and District official emails.
  5. Internship opportunities to university students
  6. Capacity building to local leaders in Access to Information act 2005
  7. facilitate community and district leadership engagements through community dialogue meetings and radio programmes
  8. we bridge the district leadership and the media and carry out media capacity buiding trainings
  9. we offer skill and sensitize the youth on ICT issues for good governance.
  10. We promote ICT for good governance by facilitating relevant public information access and sharing, bridging the gap between government and the community through district electronic communication platforms, social media and followup on community concerns for action by district leadership

These can be accessed on the following links

We facilitate information sharing platforms using these website links

11. We disseminate District information about government programs and service delivery like District strategic/Development plans, reports in both hard and soft copies

12. We have a mini community library with government publications and community timely magazines and news letters

Centre target groups

  1. The youth in Kasese District
  2. Civil servants and political leaders of Kasese District.
  3. All Community members around Kasese Municipality and around Kasese District.
Our Current partners

The Collaboration on International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa (CIPESA)

Our founding partners
  1. Ric-Net—
  2. RWECO—
Contact us

E-Society Resource Centre
Kasese District Local Government
P.O.Box 250, Kasese, Uganda, E.Africa
Tel: 256 392 888974
Mob: 256776003248/705199116