Planning Unit

Completed household income enhancement and infrastructural projects in the last 4 FYs
FY 2012/2013 (Micro projects-Presidential directive)
NoProject /Activity DescriptionLocationFunding agencyAmountStatus and Intervention
1.Provided SACCO capital to Kasese Municipal Youth Savings & Credit AssociationKasese MunicipalLRDP25,000,000Credit and savings among youth enhanced
2.Provided SACCO capital to Bukonzo East joint Youth AssociationKisingaLRDP30,000,000Credit and savings among youth enhanced
3.Provided SACCO capital to Kasese Better Living Adventist WomenDistrict wideLRDP35,000,000Credit and savings among women enhanced
4.Provided SACCO capital to Rwenzuru Veterans Development AssociationDistrict wideLRDP25,000,000Credit and savings among veteran groups enhanced
5.Installed maize mill with housing for Munkunyu Youth CouncilMunkunyuLRDP24,997,000Installed generating income/capital for Munkunyu Youth Council
6.Procured Brass band for Kasese SDA Youth departmentDistrict wideLRDP35,000,000Functional, Generating income for SDA Youth department
Key completed projects under LRDP 2012/13
NoProject NameLocationFunding agencyAmountStatus and Intervention
1.       Completion of payment for Kamukumbi HC II OPDIsangoLRDP17,252,000OPD in use. Was completed in 2010/11
2.       Completed payment for grading Muhokya-Kahendero road 2.8kmMuhokyaLRDP5,425,000Road is motorable. Was completed in 2010/11
3.       Completed payment for grading, installation of culverts & murraming Muhokya- Kahendero roadMuhokyaLRDP7,697,260Road is motorable. Was completed in 2010/11
4.       Completed payment for the construction of Katunguru HC VIP latrineL. KatweLRDP18,474,501Toilet in use. Was completed in 2010/11
5.       Completed payment for the construction of a timber deck bridge at NyakasojoNyakiyumbuLRDP4,614,930Bridge is in use. Was completed in 2010/11
6.       Completion of low cost staff house at Kitswamba I p/sKitswambaLRDP12,321,700Staff house in use. Completed in May 2013. Had been pending completion due to anticipated lack of funds
7.       Completion of payment on drainage works on Kanyemapara ChannelMunkunyuLRDP7,230,353Had been completed in 2010/11 use. Drainage in use
8.       Completion on payment for construction of 5-stance VIP latrine at Kenyange Moslem p/sKarusandaraLRDP5,223,100Latrine in use. Completed in 2010/11
9.       Procurement of a generator for medium level Hatchery at kabiriziL. KatweLRDP72,829,600Installed and is in use. Hatching process safe from power outages. Hatchery has high youth employment capacity
10.    Procurement of parent stock chicks for medium level Hatchery at kabiriziL. KatweLRDP53,250,000Supplied. Breeding on-going. Hatchery has high youth employment capacity
11.    Fencing of Kayanja Community Tourism leisure parkNyakiyumbuLRDP33,370,000Chain link fence constructed. Leisure park is now secure from wild animals
12.    Provided SACCO capital to Kasese Cooperative Savings & Credit SocietyBusongora CountyLRDP17,000,000Credit and savings among women groups enhanced
13.    Provided SACCO capital to Mirami Brotherly Savings & Credit SocietyKarambiLRDP17,000,000Credit and savings among men groups enhanced
14.    Provided SACCO capital to Ndughutu Women Savings & Credit SocietyBugoyeLRDP5,000,000Credit and savings among women groups enhanced
15.    Completion of Kalingwe HC II OPDKisingaLRDP23,082,235Completed in June 2012/13. Commissioned
16.    Completion of dormitory at Hamukungu Girls SSL. KatweLRDP12,407,048Completed is in use
17.    Completed OPD at Kigoro HCRukokiLRDP12,105,000Completed in May and is in use
18.    Retention payment for Kiraro HCKitholhuLRDP1,466,250Completed in 2010/11 and in use
19.    Completed staff house at Ntunga p/sBuhuhiraLRDP18,102,000Completed and in use
20.    Completion of classroom at Buhandiro p/sMahangoLRDP8,976,924Completed in April 2013 and in use
21.    Completed payment for construction of a maternity ward and a latrine at Ihandiro HC IIIhandiroLRDP13,350,000Completed in 2010/11 and in use
22.    Completed payment for opening and murraming for 1.5km of Kasanga- Mithimusanju roadBweraLRDP2,470,459Completed in 2010/11 and in use
23.    Completion of payment for the construction of a low cost staff house and latrine at Kamabwe p/sMalibaLRDP7,792,620Staff house in use. Completed in April 2013
24.    Refund to Karambi s/cKarambiLRDP8,500,000Funds borrowed to pay Kamukumbi OPD meant for rural electrification covered
25.    Completion of HC at KabingoMunkunyuLRDP14,139,713Completed
26.    District and sub county level monitoring & supervision of LRDP projectsDistrict & sub county head quartersLRDP19,833,613Enhanced reporting, monitoring and coordination
27.    Retooling internetDistrict Head QuartersLRDP130,000Enhanced communication
 Key completed projects 2013/14 under LRDP for income enhancement
NoProject NameLocationFunding agencyAmountStatus and Intervention
1.       Support 126 Youth association to strengthen a piggery and maize growing project in Kitsutsu.MunkunyuLRDP28,000,000126 youth supported with income generating
2.       Support school youth drop outs and early pregnant mothers affected by ADF war with manual sewing machinesCentral, Bulembia & Nyamwamba Div.LRDP14,000,000Income enhancement for youth affected by ADF war through skill development
3.       Support to Fisheries Lead Farmers to scale up fish production for commercial purposesKarusandaraKyondo & MalibaLRDP28,000,000Fish at a commercial level provides high returns. Also can be used for demo purposes
4.       Support fisheries lead farmer with fish fray to boost productionKarusandaraLRDP12,000,0000Multiply production of fish at district level to enhance income at household level
5.       Procure a poultry feed mixer for a commercial poultry farmerKitswambaLRDP15,000,000Feed mixers are economical-they allow the farmers to manage poultry since feeds are a constraint
6.       Support to household Income Enhancement Construction of Valley Tanks /Watering points in pastoralist areasKitswamba & NyakatonziLRDP80,000,000Pastoralist communities situated in water stressed areas yet with large number of cattle
7.       Support to female headed household income enhancement with coffee hand pulping machinesKilembeKitholhu, Kyondo & BwesumbuLRDP72,000,000Rolled from 2012/13. Income enhancement for coffee producing households
8.       Opening up & grading 8km of Rusese- Kyempara- Isango community Access roadIsangoLRDP100,000,000Rolled from 2012/13. Open up coffee producing areas. Use force on account method using district road unit
9.       Support organized Youth, PWD, women groups with local goatsNyakiyumbuKyarumbaBuhuhiraMunkunyuLRDP22,500,000Local goats have a good market. PWD beneficiaries were maimed by land mines from ADF
10.    Train Veteran, Youth, women and PWD groups in local economic opportunity generation and other income generating activitiesDistrict wideLRDP31,584,886Local economic development focused entrepreneurial capacity building for cross section of youth from areas affected most by wars
11.    Support 8 SACCOs to promote savings and credit and enhance capital availability to veteran, youth and women SACCOsKarambiKitswambaKyabarungiraBweraBwesumbuLRDP160,000,000Kasese is mostly a trading area e.g s/cs at the boarder thrive on trade. Karambi, Bwera, Kitswamba, Mahango, Bugoye, Kyabarungira & Bwesumbu
 Sub- Total671,084,866
Key completed projects 2014/15 to date under LRDP for income enhancement
NoProject NameLocationFunding agencyNo. Of beneficiaries
1.       Design and Construction of Mini Irrigation SchemeMunkunyuLRDP2500
2.       Support to establishment of medium level poultry hatcheryLake KatweLRDP50
3.       Rehabilitation of 3km of Kyempara-Isango roadIsangoLRDP4500
4.       construction of maize and coffee storage facilitiesKitswambaLRDP161
5.       construction of maize and coffee storage facilitiesNyakiyumbuLRDP126
6.       Supply of improved breed heifers to pastoralist groupsNyakatonzi and Lake KatweLRDP36
7.       Supply of improved piglets and starter feeds to groupsMukunyuLRDP126
8.       Supply and installation of maize millsMunkunyu, and KitswambaLRDP36
9.       Supply and installation of coffee hulling machines to groupsMaliba, and Bugoye, Mpondwe-Lhubiriha TCLRDP36
10.    Supply of manual hand pulping machines to groupsKisingaLRDP45
11.    Construction of a valley dam in Nyakatonzi S/C-completedNyakatonziLRDP2300
12.    Supply of public address system and brass band equipment to SDA Youth group in Central Division-completedCentral DivLRDP151
13.    Support to commercial Fish Farming with Fish fry and Starter feedsKarusandaraLRDP15
Participating Sub-Counties

Since inception, the programme has covered all the 29 LLGs in the district. These include among others; 23 rural sub counties of Kitholhu, Karambi, Ihandiro, Bwera, Nyakiyumbu, Isango, Nyakatonzi, Munkunyu, Lake Katwe, Kisinga, Kyarumba, Kyondo, Mahango, Muhokya, Rukoki, Karusandara, Kilembe, Bugoye, Maliba, Kitswamba, Buhuhira, Kyabarungira and Bwesumbu, the 3 town councils of Katwe Kabatoro, Mpondwe Lhubiriha and Hima, the 3 divisions of Bulembia, Central and Nyamwamba in Kasese Municipality.

Main activities supported

In the earlier years of the programme, infrastructural projects such as construction of OPDs at health centres, student dormitories at schools, staff houses at primary schools and latrines have been put in place Others included road rehabilitation.

Local Economic Development (LED) household income areas supported under the refocused LRDP program since inception
  • Mini irrigation schemes to provide water for production
  • Poultry hatchery establishment
  • Value addition for maize value chain with milling machines
  • Value addition for coffee value chain with pulping and hulling machines
  • Supply of heifers to pastoralist communities
  • Fish fry production and multiplication
  • Construction of storage facilities for maize & coffee
  • Valley dam construction for pastoralist communities
Challenges in Implementation of LRDP
  • Inadequate transport to enhance monitoring and supervision of projects
  • Lack of clear policy on public private partnerships limits the participation and engagement of organized private sector players in household income projects. This limits the scale of projects which could have otherwise promoted mini industry development
  • Government should issue clear guidelines and policy on public private partnerships
  • The programme should provide a motor vehicle for the district LRDP team to effectively monitor, document and supervise LRDP projects.