Kisinga sub county is located in Bukonzo East, Bukonzo constituency, Kasese District just 45KM from Kasese town. It neighbors Queen Elizabeth National Park and Nyakatonzi sub county in the south, Rwenzori National Park in the north, Kitabo sub county and Kisinga town council in the east and Munkunyu sub county in the west.
Kisinga Sub County started in the 1940s under Tooro kingdom during the colonial regimes and since creation, has given birth to Kyondo sub county in the year 1980 and Kisinga town council in 2015.
The subcounty terrain has the highlands and low lands .
The sub county has 4 parishes with 25 Villages. The parishes include;
- Kagando
- Nsenyi
- Kajwenge
- Nyabirongo
Kisinga Subcounty has a population of 36988.
- Males- 18474
- Females- 18514.
The Subcounty is currently headed by Mr. mukeri Julius the LCIII chairperson and Muhindo Mumbahya Joseph is the subcounty Chief – 077134670/ 0782234531
In Kisinga Subcounty, Children have access to to education both in the mountainous areas and low land. The sub-county has 11 government aided Primary schools and one Public secondary school and a number of Private schools ;
Government Primary Schools;
- Kajwenge Primary School
- Kanyambara Primary School
- Kiburara Primary School
- Kalingwe Ps
- Buzira Ps
- Bughema Ps
- Muyina Primary School
- Kamughobe Primary School
- Busangwa Primary School
- Kanyuwunya Primary School
- Kamuruli Primary School
Government Aided Secondary schools.
The Subcounty has only one Government Aided Sec School and 5 Private secondary school;
- SAAD memorial secondary school- Government Aided.
The sub – county has preventive and curative health services.
The Subcounty has two health facilities, Kiburara Health CentreII and Kalingwe Health Centre II which was constructed by the sub-county but not yet coded for drug supply.
The Subcounty also has 2 private health II’s at Kanyughunya C.O.U and Kanyampara SDA.
Majority of the people of Kisinga are basically farmers who grow crops like coffee, cocoa ,cotton, cassava, bananas, beans and maize on the lower parts of the sub-county to earn a living. On a small scale, they also rare animals like cows and goats and do some paultry.
Kisinga has 2 trading centers with 2 markets. These are;
- Kiburara T/C with kiburara market,
- Kajwenge T/C with Kajwenge market.
- Kabira T\C
- Kamughobe T\C
The water coverage is about 50% mostly on the low areas. The mountainous areas still suffers limited access to safe water.
Kisinga has 4 gravity flow schemes and these are ;
- Kajwenge GFS
- kyabithumbi GFS
- Diriano GFS
- Muyina GFS
The schemes have limited capacity to serve a wider population becasue of the population increase.
Thank you for visiting Kisinga Subcounty.