Kyarumba Sub County is located in the Bukonzo East constituency within Bukonzo county ,Kasese district. It covers an area of 48SQ kms and borders Mahango sub county in the east, Kitabu s/c in the south, Kyondo s/c in the west surrounding Kyarumba town council and Democratic republic of Congo in the North West.
The sub-county started in the year 1937 during the reign of the Toro administration. It generally has a mountainous terrain and a more less relatively flat kanyatsi parish.
The headquarter offices are located in Kalonge Parish ,Karumba Subcounty.
Since creation, Kyarumba Subcounty has given birth to other 3 subcounties and 1 town council including ;
Mahango Sub County
Kahokya Sub County
Kitabu Sub County
Kyarumba town council
Kyarumba S\C has a population of 48,000. 23,500 49% are males and 24,500 51% are females.
Parishes in Kyarumba S\C
The Subcounty has 5 Parishes;
Kalonge (host of the sub county)
Kanyatsi , Buthale
With 24 villages.
Current leadership of the Sub-County
Civil service
Name Title
1. Kisura Genava Subcounty Chief 0782919477
2. Tsembere Venesio Community Development Officer
3. Ithungu Beatrace Agricultural Officer
4. Nkundizana John Senior Accounts Assistant
5. Muhindo Jockus Kazungu Parish Chief Kaghema
6. Mkokania Moses Parish Chief- Buthale
7. Masereka Yosefu Parish Chief- Kalonge
8. Byaruhanga Bosco Parish Chief Kanyatsi
9. Bachwenkgo Bithire Parish Chief Kihungu
Political leadership
Name Tittle
1. Baluku Jackson LC III Chairperson
Education sector
The subcounty has six Government Aided Primary Schools
Name of School Location
1. Kitabona primary school Buthale parish
2. Kihungu primary school Khungu parish
3. Kalonge upper primary school Kalonge parish
4. Kalonge lower primary school Kalonge parish
5. Nyamutswa primary school Kanyatsi parish
6. Kihungamiyagha primary school Kaghema parish
The sub-county has no government aided secondary school. The subcounty has only one private secondary school St
Francis SS .
Health sector:
Kyarumba sub-county doesn’t have any government aided health Centre. However, construction of Buhanga health centre III is ongoing.
Majority of the people earn livelihood through agriculture. They grow coffee, bananas, cassava, beans, cocoa, vanilla, G. nuts Irish potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes etc.
They also rear animals like cows, goats, pigs, rabbits etc.
The major challenge is theft of both crops and animals followed by pests and diseases.
The sub-county has not yet established a recognized market but currently utilizing Kyarumba market located in Kyarumba Town Council
The sub-county has a total number of 107.1km of road network out of these about 14kms are maintained by the maintained by the subcounty while 86km are routinely maintained by Kasese District local government .The community also supports in road maintenance especially especially during disasters
The road network:
Kabughabugha-Langoma 8kms
Bwitho-Nyamutswa Kms, Kyarumba-Kitabona 5.6
Kasanga-Mathembe 6kms
Kanyatsi- Kibohu 4kms
Milhando Nyakeya 4kms
Kihungu 4kms
Kakunyu-Katumba –Mahango 7km
Karwemera- Kihungamiyagha-
Mubale 10kms
Kibirigha –Kalonge –Bukangama 7kms
Kitabona Bulimamwani–Buthale 7km
Kakunyu – Mahango 5km
Kasanzi Nkangi 5km
Mughete Catholic church-Milhando- Kasebere 8km
Milhando -Bwimaniro 3km
Kitabona- Bukangama 6 Km
Kitabona -Buthale-Kakunyu 45 Km
Kitabona 1km,
Kibirigha-Muhelo 5km
Water sector
The safe and clean water coverage in the Sub-County stands at 49% although there are a number of rivers, streams, springs, wells and ponds in the Sub County
The Subcounty has only four gravity flows schemes ;
Kihungamiyagha Primary School GFS
Milhando- Kihungu P/S GFS
Kitabona GFS
Kabingo GFS
The subcounty also has 38 protected springs and 33 unprotected springs.
Financial inclusion
The sub-county has five SACCOS formed under PDM and three formed by individual SACCOs.
They include.
Kalonge-Kyarumba PDM SACCO
Buthale-Kyarumba PDM SACCO
Kaghema-Kyarumba PDM SACCO
Kihungu-Kyarumba PDM SACCO
Kanyatsi-Kyarumba PDM SACCO
Kaghema Thulibaghuma Co-Operative Society
Buthale co-operative society
Kyarumba Sub-County SACCO.
Name of organization Thematic areas
1. Conservation and Demand Agency
(CODEA) Environmental protection
2. Buthale parish Nature conservation, Socio
Economic empowerment,
Community Health and climate
change Environment protection
2. Trans-cultural
(TPO) Uganda Child Protection
3. CEFORD Advocacy for children rights
4. UGANET NGO – Ending violence against women and
girls (VAWG)
5. YEI CBO HIV care and support
6. Rwenzori Change
Association CBO
in Kaghema Parish
only- Economic empowerment, health water and sanitation
7. African Heritage
Research centre Youth Empowerment
8. Brac- Uganda -Empowerment and livelihood for adolescent reduction in gender based violence (GBU)
9. Association for Journalists CBO only in Kayatsi Parish- Environmental Protection.
10. Caritas Kasese Financial inclusion and GBV response
11. Kabigo initiative
for Sustainable Dev’t.- Environment conservation,
Economic, empowerment, livelihood
and health education
12. ACCORD CBO operating in Kaghema only Responding to GBV, Environment conservation and tree planting
Thank you for visiting Kyarumba Subcounty.