Karambi Sub County started way back in 1948 with Mpondwe –lubiriha T.C and Isango Sub County as part of karamboi Sub County. It covers 35sq kms of land area.
We currently have 4.785 households with a population of about 27181 people as per the time census was conducted. (Household census 2014 provisional results). The sub county is comprised of six parishes: karambi, kisolholho, kamasasa, Bikunya, Kituti and Buhuna and 26 villages.
Under education we have six government aided primary schools and one secondary school. The details of school enrolment and staffing as per is explained in the table below:
Name of school / institution | Total enrolment | Staffing levels | Staffing gaps |
Karambi p/s | 519 | 15 | 02 |
Kisolholho p/s | 1016 | 16 | 05 |
Bikunya p/s | 680 | 13 | 04 |
St. Kizito p/s | 1167 | 23 | |
Kamasasa p/s | 2082 | 38 | 02 |
Mirami p/s | 856 | 18 | |
Karambi p/s | 836 | 28 | 24 |
Under heath we have three health Centre II and health Centre III as explained below:
Name of health Centre | staffing | staffing | remarks |
Karambi H/C III | 12 | 7 | Some staff have gone for further studies. |
Bikunya H/C II | 02 | 07 | H/C is understaff |
Kamasasa H/C II | 03 | 06 | H/C is understaff |
Kisolholho H/C II | 02 | 07 | One staff did not report on duty. |
As for the traditional staff staffing level:
Name of staff | Title | Staffing gap |
Masika Ruth | SAS | |
Kule henry Muhotho | SAA | |
Ndungo Mutanywana Jonathan | AAO | |
Nzaghale Kiiza | Fisheries officer | |
Ndobya Jackson | Parish chief | |
Nyadeya Liveniah | Parish chief | 04 |
Bwambale Douglas | CDO | |
Kazimoto Ernest | ACDO | |
Kule Moses | Account assistant |
Some achievements since last financial year 2015/2016 to date
- Construction of a two stance VIP latrine at Karambi trading Centre.
- Construction of a three stance VIP latrine at Kathoma market
- Wiring the sub county council hail
- Planning of 800 tree seedlings at Bikumya primary school and extension on sub county land.
- We received and planted 60,000 and 44,000 coffee seedlings under operation wealth creation for 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 respectively.
- We have also so far received &cows under operation wealth creation and three of these are incalfed. This is where I thank my extension workers who have worked hand in hand with the farmers to make sure these cows are doing well.
- Fencing karambi health Centre III(on going)
- We received shs.19, 300,000 for here groups under the youth livelihood groups. For this year we have submitted five groups which if considered we expect to receive shs. 50,223,000
- Opening of 3kms of community access roads.
- We also supported two CDD groups.
Projects by our development partners
- Construction of a six classroom block at kamasasa p/s fully stocked with seats and some chairs for teachers by the same organization.
- Construction of a maternity ward I kisolholho parish fully stocked with all equipment for a maternity: however there is a challenge of staff in this facility.
- Baylor Uganda supports karambi H/C III with funds to support outreaches, procure simple equipment and disinfectants, and also carry out some operation and maintenance.
- Youth n action program by save the children through FURA. Have supported 12 groups of six youth each youth groups with shs. 24, 8960,000. And 50 individuals each 300,000= hence 15,000,000. Meaning save the children and FURA has supported us with 39,960,000=
- ACODEV-U has supported out youth and children with school materials and also building the capacity of the youth organize themselves into groups and demand for services.
- Hydro power project is going on in processing power for inclusion in the national grid. This is by ministry of energy and natural resources.
- Katwe –kabatooro- katholhu water project by ministry of water and environment.
- SNV has helped us supplied karambi s.s.s with a 10,000 lts water tank at a cost of shs. 4,000,000 = including transport.
Key Challenges
- From the table above, it is observed that it is a general problem but, specific attention goes to few teachers n some schools compared to the pupils this also is combined with having few female teachers in some schools. And also in health workers in health Centre’s.
- Whereas in some of our schools pupil enrolment is high. In other schools dropout is on the increase.
- There is some drug stock outs which takes longs time to be restocked. Connected to this medical stores has not been sending essential drugs which has facilitated a lot of referrals and this cause a lot of complaints among clients.
- Teachers and pupils lunch is still a problem.
- As a sub county we got challenge of delay in release of our funds that was brought about by giving of a wrong account number and up to date we never received the non-wage funds for first quart which has affected our activities like giving of a sub –county promotional exam to primary five pupils and supporting karambi secondary school hall construction.
- Karambi secondary school still lacks an office book
- Karambi secondary school lacks science teachers and this affects the attainment.
- Absenteeism and late coming of some health workers and teachers is still a big problem.
- And this is more specific to karambi H/CIII and there is a write up in your office from the sub county to this effect.
- The two companies of (water and hydro power) carrying out works in the sub county have not cooperated in as far as payment of local service tax and loyalties are concerned.
- Recovery under the youth livelihood is still below average (42%) though they are trying to recover.
- kizito primary school the an environment of 1167 pupils has only nine(9) classrooms
- Furniture for pupils is still challenge specifically for St. Kizito p/s and kisolholho p/s.
- Many of the teachers and health workers take lightly the issue of appraisals
- Most of our schools lack latrines to a level that the whole of our five year development plan is covered by latrines.
- Our councilors are demotivated by not being able to be facilitated financially putting consideration our meager resources.
- Depleting of our trees by the barracks at headquarters today. More so as a sub county as a whole we have a challenge of environmental degradation due to high demand of money.
Masika Ruth
Sub-county Chief