Water and Sanitation

Water and sanitation .
Water department is responsible for Planning, Provision and promotion of sustainable Water, sanitation and hygiene facilities across the district through;
  • Ensuring equitable use of the water resources
  • Promotion of integrated use and utilization of the water resources
  • Construction of water facilities
  • Planning and monitoring of water points
Water Supply Situation
The overall access to safe water in the district is  at 56% .

We have 3510 domestic water points serving a total population of 516,413 people , with 344406 in rural areas.

We currently have 177 boreholes and 1932 gravity flow scheme(GFS) taps. 

Access rates vary significantly across sub counties , from as low as 17% in Kyondo Subcounty to as high as 75% in Ihandiro Subcounty 

Our completed and ongoing water protects;

The district is very committed to increasing access to safe water  and therefore implementing number of water projects to ensure that this is achieved ; 

Construction of Kabingo-Kilhambaghiro hills Gravity flow scheme in Munkunyu Subcounty.

Rwiho Mbata water supply  

Nkoko solar powered water supply in Karusandara Subcounty

Bulemera bughema and Ndandu Gravity flow Scheme in Kisinga Subcounty.

Kalhughutha Gravity flow scheme Phase III in Ihandiro Subcounty.

Rehabilitation of 25 boreholes in Kitswamba, Nyakiyumbu,Kyarumba,Rukoki,Karusandara,Kahokya,Lake Katwe,Nyakiyumbu,Nyakatonzi,Bugoye,Maliba,Kwarumba,Kyondo,Kisinga and Munkunyu.

Construction of Kabingo\Kilhambaghiro hills Gravity flow scheme .

Rwiho \Mbata water supply in Bwesumbu Subcounty,Kyabarungira Subcounty, Kitswamba Subcounty, Buhuhira Subcounty, Rugendabara TC, Kitswamba-Kirabaho TC.

Dunguluha Water Supply in Kitabu ,Kilembe, Mahango , Kyarumba and Kasese Municipality. 

Nyamugasani water supply serving Kyarumba ,Kyondo , Kisinga , Munkunyu , Kitabu Nyakatonzi as well as kikorongo , Bwenanule , Lyamibuza , Kinyabakazi and Kasese Municipality. 

Nyangorongo Gravity flow scheme.

Kithakena water supply to cover Ibanda -Kyanya TC and Maliba TC 

Old Bwera water Supply to cover Kitholhu, Karambi, Ihandiro,Isango ,Bwera , Nyakiyumbu,Munkunyu

Mbunga-Nyakazinga Gravity flow scheme – Mbunga ,Rukoki , Bulembya Division

Munkunyu – Bwengo Solar powered water supply system