Finance and Accounts

Table Funds received by the district during the FY 2014/15

General Financial Summary
Table Funds received by the district during the FY 2014/15
Releases 2014/15 shs
Project AllocationMonitoring allocationTotal
District Grants623,604,71048,945,272672,549,982
Micro Projects35,000,00035,000,000
Grand total707,549,982
 Detailed resource use
SectorName of projectLocation(Sub county; parish)Activity detailsNo. of beneficiariesAmount
Production & MarketingConstruction of Mini Irrigation Scheme at Katsungiro on the Kanyampara river channelMunkunyu, KatsungiroStone pitching 1.5km length of earth canals610161,776,120
Production & MarketingConstruction of 2 storage facilities for coffee and maize farmers in Nyakiyumbu and Kitswamba S/Cs respectivelyMuhindi in Nyakiyumbu S/C & Hima in Kitswamba S/CConstruction works43080,150,750
Production & MarketingSupply and installation of 10 coffee hulling machines to organized coffee farmersS/Cs of Karambi, Muhokya, Lake Katwe, Rukoki, Bugoye, Maliba & KyabarungiraFabricated coffee hulling machines procured & installed355115,270,300
Production & MarketingSupply and installation of 5 maize milling and hulling machines to organized farming groupsParishes of Railway & Kamaiba, Rugendabara, Kabagaga & Nyamambuka in the S/Cs of Central division, Kitswamba, Kyabarungira & Mpondwe Lhubiriha TC respectivelyFabricated maize/cassava milling & hulling machines procured & installed161112,509,020
Production & MarketingEstablishment of a video and music production & recording studio for youth groupKisanga in Nyamwamba DivisionProcure music & video recording equipment1939,435,090
Production & MarketingSupport pastoralist groups with 10 improved heifersBusunga in Lake Katwe S/C & Muruti in Nyakatonzi S/CProcured 10 improved heifers1914,750,600
Production & MarketingSupport 4 apiary groups with bee production equipment & accessoriesLLGs of Mahango, Kitholhu, Buhuhira & Kyondo123 bee hives procured bee hives & supplied4611,933,500
Production & MarketingUnder take operation and maintenance works on valley dam at Muruti in Nyakatonzi S/CMuruti in Nyakatonzi S/CDrainange channel cleared and re channelled to dam21313,219,400
Production & Marketing80 improved piglets and starter feed procured for various youth groupsTown Centre in Hima TC, Karusandara in Karusandara S/C & Kyogha in Bwera S/C80 improved piglets & starter feeds procured8023,149,330
Production & MarketingSupport 3 model fishing groups with fish, fish cage materials and starter feedScheme ward in Nyamwamba Division, Katunguru in Lake Katwe S/C & Kahendero in Muhokya S/CFish fry, cage nets & fish feed procured6640,100,000
HealthComplete payments for the construction of Buhathiro HC II in Ihandiro S/CBuhathiro in Ihandiro S/COPD at Buhathiro HC II1,32211,310,600
Planning UnitUndertake sensitization, supervision, consultations & monitoring of LRDP projects across the district  including bank chargesDistrict wide48,945,272
Sub Total672,549,982
Micro projects
Production & MarketingSupport Save together Development Cooperative & Credit Society LtdCentral Division in Kasese MunicipalityCredit for small businesses availed for members2120,000,000
Production & MarketingSupport veterans group with maize milling & hulling machineMuhokya Trading Centre in Muhokya S/CMaize mill & hulling machined procured3315,000,000
Sub  Total35,000,000