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Deputy Ambassador of Danish Embassy visits Nyamatunga scheme.

The Deputy Ambassador of Danish Embassy His Excellency Adam Sparre Spliid together with his team from Danish Embassy ,UNCDF ,MoLG and district leadership visited Nyamatunga mini Irrigation scheme in Munkunyu Subcounty today 17th September 2024.

The purpose of the visit was to check the status of Nyamatunga Mini Irrigation scheme under the LoCAL program and how the scheme is impacting lives of the benefitting community .

Nyamatunga Mini Irrigation scheme was constructed in the last financial year 2023/24 at acost of 389 millions a longside other projects under LoCAL and is serving a population of over 1000 people in Munkunyu Subcounty and beyond.

The visiting team was recieved by the community and the local leaders amidst jubilations as and celecelebrations at the project site.

The LC I Chairperson Nyamatunga III, Mr. Mugisha Rauben appreciated the Danish Embassy for supporting the community to access water .

He highlighted the impact of the project on the community which has helped to reduce hunger, poverty and domestic violence among the people of Nyamatunga and munkunyu community atlarge.

The LC I , mentioned the contributions made by the community to support the project implementation including giving out their land for construction of the scheme and assured the visitors of the commitment to maintain and sustain it.

While addressing the participants, His Exellency Adam Sparre Splid , appreciated the climate change crisis challenging communities to experience extreme events like having little water for use or access water causes damages.

The Ambassador mentioned that the Danish Embassy is committed to supporting local communities to access water in partnership with central and local government and local communities.

He encouraged the community to utilise the project to create more wealth and development including supporting their children’s education and meeting other household needs.

The Ambassador said that the mini Irrigation project will reduce the burden of women carrying water to irrigate crops.

He asked the community to utilise the project to boost their incomes and meet their family needs like school fees for their children.

The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Mr. Ntarwete Eriab Begumya called upon the benefitting community to ensure proper utilisation of the project to transform livelihoods. He pledged to continue monitoring the operation and maintainance of the project to ensure its maintained to proper use.

A representative from Ministry of Local Government and the technical advisor appreciated the district for utilising the little funds to make a very big impact in the community.

She observed that the project will be a ground for bringing social harmony in the community as both crop and livestock farmers access water for use.

In addition, the ambassodor also visited Nyakatonzi where the district under LoCAL Program is going to construct a water transmission line from Kanyampara which will supply 3 valley dams for communities to access water for livestock and domestic use for communities living alongside the water line.

The end