Queen Elizabeth National Park


Queen Elizabeth national parks is undoubtedly Uganda’s most famous national park and traveler’s destination. The presence of varied bionetwork to mention the beautiful lakes, extensive savanna,the natural forests and fertile swamps hence making it the best place the big games,  ten primate species  of course including chimps , 600 bird species.

Situated close to mountain Rwenzori, the park’s sites include several beautiful crates lakes that winding through the rolling hills, the panoramic display of the Kazinga channel with an awesome view of the hippos, buffaloes, elephants and several bird species lined up at the shores. With a continuation towards ishasha sector plains, another surprise of tree climbing lions resting on trees waiting to pounce on the Uganda Kobs and other preys will blow one a way.

Besides the remarkable wildlife attraction, Queen Elizabeth national park also boasts of attractive heritage/ culture history. There are numerous opportunities for traveler and tourists to visit the local population   who are entertaining in terms of local music and cultural dances.  With all such attractions queen Elizabeth national park tours leave  tourists wanting for more.